Dr. Betsy Gard is a Licensed Georgia Psychologist received her Bachelor’s degree from the University of Michigan and her Ph.D. from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. She worked with Veterans at Jefferson Barracks as a V.A. trainee and did her Clinical Internship at the University of North Carolina’s Department of Psychiatry in the Medical School at UNC.
Dr. Gard came to Atlanta as an Assistant Professor in the Emory Medical School Department of Psychiatry. She worked at Grady Hospital in their Child and Adolescent Clinic, supervising graduate students and interns. She continues to serve as an adjunct clinical faculty member in the Department of Psychiatry/Psychology of the Medical School of Emory.
Dr. Gard has been affiliated with the Atlanta Area Family Psychiatry Clinic since 1984. This is a multidisciplinary practice with child and family psychiatrists, and social workers. To learn more about others in this practice, go to their bios at www.aafpc.net.
Dr. Gard lives in a blended family. She loves to write creative stories and poems. Her favorite activities are walks in nature, travel, and writing. She also enjoys being active in the community and serving on nonprofit Boards which have included the Institute for the Studies of Disability and Disadvantaged, the Georgia Psychological Association, the American Psychological Association Regional Consultant to the State of Georgia’s Disaster Response Network, the State of Georgia Crisis Consortium, the Refugee Mental Health Resource Network, and the Metropolitan Red Cross Disaster Board. She is a member of the Family Assistance Center Statewide Support Exercise Planning Meeting. She also serves as a national trainer for Red Cross Services to the Armed Forces (SAF) in facilitating Reconnections Workshops for returning veterans, their significant others, and children of military personnel.
Additional information about Dr. Betsy Gard’s background and experience as an Atlanta Psychologist:
- Doctor of Clinical Psychology, 1978, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri
- Psychology & Sociology, 1972, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (Graduated with Honors and High Distinctions)
- APA College of Professional Psychology, Certified in Treatment of Alcohol and other Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders, 1997– 2014
- Licensed State of Georgia, 1979 – present
Private Practice, 1979 – Present
Individual therapy to adults, youth, and children; Family and Marital therapy. Consultation to child psychiatrists and clinical social workers.
EMORY UNIVERSITY, Atlanta, Georgia
Adjunct Professor (Clinical Faculty), Professor, Department of Psychiatry (Psychology), 1982 – Present
IRC- Clinical and Technical Consultant 2015-2018; Serving as a Volunteer currently
Provide supervision to Psychiatry Residents and lectures to Psychology Interns and Fellows, clerkships and practicums, providing consultation, serve on the Diversity and Inclusion Committee,
Clinical/Technical Consultant, 2015 – Present
Screen women refugees and provide stabilization and referral. Provide technical support and referral for victims of torture and survivors of domestic abuse.
REFUGEE MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCE NETWORK; A Interdivisional Project of the American Psychological Association; Vice Chair of the Steering Committee, 2016-Present.
- Developing a national and international database of pro-bono mental health professionals to provide services
- Collect and provide access to relevant organizations working with refugees and immigrant populations
- Provide national webinars and programs at the APA National Convention

IN HOUSTON – In Honor of the Responders and Red Cross to Hurricane Harvey and in memory to those who experienced the devastation.
Team Member, 2016-Present
Provide consultation on revisions to Red Cross Courses including;
- Psychological First Aid (Webinar and Instructor-led)
- Disaster Mental Health Introduction
- Disaster Mental Health Fundamentals-Part 1(on-line)
- Disaster Mental Health-Part 2- for in-person presentation
- Response to Terrorism and Transportation Events
Consultant, 2009 – 2013
Developing a Crisis Response Team and creating a consortium of colleges that can respond in a
Consultant, 2007 – 2009
Consultation for Website of Disaster Mental Health (http://georgiadisaster.info) and Distance Learning module.
SCOTTISH RITE CHILDREN’S MEDICAL CENTER, Department of Psychiatry, Atlanta, Georgia
Allied Health Professional – Psychologist, 1986 – 2006
Assessment and consultation to the Neurofibromatosis Clinic and Emergency Room assessments.
Allied Health Professional, 1983 – 2001
Assessment and Treatment.
EMORY UNIVERSITY, Department of Psychiatry, Atlanta, Georgia
Assistant Professor of Psychology, Tenure Track, 1978 – 1981
- Assessment and treatment of minority and disadvantaged families and children at Grady Memorial Hospital;
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service;
- Supervision of psychology interns as part of an A.P.A. approved internship;
- Teaching and consultation to medical students, interns and residents of the Emory Medical School in group and individual therapy, behavior modification of children and adolescents.
- Member of the Family Assistance Center Statewide Support Exercise Planning Meeting (2018)
- Trainer for Mental Health Professionals nationally for Red Cross Services to the Armed Forces (SAF) in facilitating Reconnections Workshops for returning veterans, their significant others, and children of military personnel.(2016-present)
- Board Member of the Innovative Solutions to Disadvantage and Disability (ISDD). (2009 –2017)
- Member of the Georgia Crisis Consortium. (2009-present)
- Chair of the Pro Bono Network of the Georgia Psychological Association. (2011 -2012)
- Red Cross-Services to the Armed Forces-Trained in Reconnections National Program for reuniting, reconnecting, and rebuilding Military Families.(2012)
- Co-Chair of the State Disaster Response Network for the State of Georgia, Georgia Psychological Association. (2005 –2012)
- Regional Advisor for the State of Georgia Disaster Mental Health and the Disaster Committee. (2014 –present)
- Manager in Red Cross Disaster Services Human Resources System. (2004 –present)
- Regional Disaster Mental Health Manager for the State of Georgia, American Red Cross. (2013 –2015)
- Chair of the State of Georgia Disaster Response Network, American Psychological Association.(2013)
- Trained to be facilitator for the State of Georgia Red Cross, Reconnections – assisting returning military reintegration. (2011 –2013)
- Selected as 1 of 2 State presenters for Coping with Deployment- a program by the Red Cross to assist families leaving on deployment. (2010 –2013)
- President-Elect, President, and Past President of the Georgia Psychological Association. (2004 –2007)
- President of the Division of Independent Practitioners of the Georgia Psychological Association. (1994 –1995)
- Southeast Regional Advisor for the Disaster Response Network of the American Psychological Association. (1996 –2000)
- Executive Board member of the Metropolitan Atlanta Red Cross Emergency Community Services. (1992 –1996)
- Vice-President of the Georgia Psychological Association. (1990 –1993)
Gard, B. A. (2015). Developing a greater disaster mental health volunteer workforce in the American Red Cross of Georgia. Nursing Matters; Past and Present, Winter Edition, American Red Cross.
Gard, B. A. (2013). Innovative tools and developments in disaster preparedness and response.
Georgia Psychologist, 67 (1), 12-13.
Gard, B. A. (2009). The role of interpreters during disasters. American Translators Association Chronicle, XXXVIII (7), 19-23.
Gard, B. A. & Ruzek, J. I. (2006). Community mental health response to crisis. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 62 (8), 1029-1041.
Compton, M., Cibulas, B.K., Gard, B. A., Kaslow, N. I., Kotwicki, R. J., Reissman, D. B. & Wetterhall,
S. (2005). Incorporating community mental health into local bioterrorism response planning: experiences from the DeKalb County Board of Health. Community Mental Health Journal, 41 (6), 647-663.
Popkin, M. H., Gard, B. A. & Montgomery, M. (1996).1,2,3,4 Parents, Marietta, Ga. Active Parenting Publishers. (Program to train parents of young children includes workbook, teacher’s guide, & video).
Gard, B. A. (1995). Diagnosing and treating post-traumatic stress disorder in children & adolescents.
Insight,16 (2), 20-23.
Gard, B. A. (1994). Disaster response team; the summer of our deluge. Georgia Psychologist, 48 (2), 20-21.
Dorr, D., Barley, W., Gard, B. A., & Welch, B.C. (1983). Understanding and treating borderline personality organization. Psychotherapy Theory, Research & Practice. 01/1983; 20(4). DOI:10.1037/h0088499.
Gard, B. A. & Kurtz, R. (1979). Hypnotic age regression and cognitive perceptual tasks. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. 21 (4), 270-277.
Mesibov, G. & Gard, B.A. (1978). The development of a training program to teach behavior principles to development day care center staffs. North Carolina Journal of Mental Health. VIII (9), 51-53.
Newmark, C., Aponte, C., Gard, B.A., & Konanc, J. (1977). Changes in psychiatric admission MMPI profiles over a period of 15 to 20 Years. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 33 (3), 741-743.
Garfield, S., Kurtz, R., & Gard, B.A. (1976). Clinical Psychologists in the 1970’s. American Psychologist, 31, 1-9.
- Disaster Mental Health Manager American Red Cross – Hurricane Harvey, Districts 1, 5, & 6. (2017)
- American Red Cross Virtual Deployment and Training Team – Louisiana floods (2017)
- Manager for Georgia Disaster Mental Health Response – Hurricane Matthew (2016)
- Member of Red Cross National Deployment Team – Louisiana floods (2016)
- Work with Ebola pandemic (2015)
- Ice Storm – State of Georgia (2014)
- Mission to Haiti (2010)
- Atlanta floods (2009)
- Atlanta tornado (2008)
- Bluffton University bus accident (2007)
- Hurricane Katrina – State Georgia Mental Health Lead for 2nd state receiving most evacuees (135,000) (2005)
- 9/11 – Manhattan, New York City (2001)
- Day Trading shooting – Buckhead/Atlanta, Georgia (1999)
- Hurricane Floyd – Orlando, Florida (1999)
- Swiss Air crash – Delta response – Atlanta, Georgia (1998)
- Hall County tornados – Sandy Springs/Atlanta, Georgia, Hall County, Georgia (1998)
- Twin bombing Family Planning Clinic (1997)
- Olympic Park bombing – Atlanta, Georgia (1996)
- Value Jet crash – Atlanta notification (1996)
- Oklahoma City bombing – Oklahoma City (1995)
- Tropical Storm Alberto – Albany, Georgia (1994)
- Northridge Earthquake – California (1994)
- Hurricane Andrew – Louisiana (1990)
- 2017-2018 Distinguished Adjunct Faculty Member Award
- Outstanding Career of Service Award; Outstanding Contributions to the Profession of Psychology and to the People We Serve. (2018). Georgia Psychological Association; 1st Time Awarded
- American Psychological Association Division of Trauma Psychology; Outstanding work as Vice- Chair, APA Refugee Mental Health Resource Network Steering Committee and contributions to the field of Trauma Psychology. (2017)
- American Red Cross Award for Disaster Preparedness & Response; Recruiting & Outreach. (2015)
- Georgia Psychological Association as outgoing Chair of the Pro Bono Committee. (2014)
- Georgia Psychological Association as the outgoing Chair of the Georgia Red Cross Disaster Mental Health Network. (2013)
- Honored by the American Psychological Association for Public Service. (2012)
- Honored by American Red Cross for Service during the 2004 Hurricane Season. (2004)
- Woman of the Year, Georgia Psychological Association, Division of Women Psychologists. (2002)
- Georgia Psychological Association Award for Outstanding Service on 9/11. (2001)
- Jewish Health Care International Honor for Work in Cultural Service in Romania. (2000)
- American Psychological Association Presidential Citation for being a founding member in Disaster Response Network Advisory Committee. (2000)
- Delta Airlines Certificate of Appreciation for being a Founding Member for Crisis Intervention Response Program and Contributing Associate to the Employee Assistance Program. (2000)
- Outstanding Service to the American Psychological Association Division of Trauma Psychology
- American Psychological Association (1979 –Present)
- Board Member, Georgia Psychological Foundation (2017)
- Georgia Psychological Association, Fellow (1979 –Present)
- Georgia Crisis Consortium (2009 –Present)
- Manager in Red Cross Disaster Services Human Resources System (2004 –Present)
- Board Member of the Institute for the Studies of Disability and Disadvantage (2009 –2017)
- Regional Advisor for the State of Georgia Disaster Mental Health (2014 –2016)
- Chair of the Pro Bono Network of the Georgia Psychological Association (2011 –2012)
- Co-Chair State Disaster Response Network, State of Georgia, Georgia Psychological Association (2009 –2012)
- Vice-Chair of the Refugee Mental Health Network Database; A CODAR Interdivisional project of the American Psychological Association (2016-2018)