Research & Publications

Doing Good – The Pro Bono Network – Georgia Psychologist, Summer, 2011 by Dr. Betsy Gard, Ph.D.

Gard, Betsy A., “The Role of Interpreters During Disasters”, American Translators Association Chronicle, Vol. VIII, #7; July, 2009, pp. 19-23.

Gard, Betsy A. & Ruzek, Josef I., “Community Mental Health Response to Crisis,” Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session, Vol. 62 (8), pp. 1029-1041, 2006.

Compton, Michael, Cibulas, B.K., Gard, B., Kaslow, N.I., Kotwicki, R.J., Reissman, D.B., Schor, L. & Wetterhall, S., “Incorporating Community Mental Health into Local Bioterrorism Response Planning: Experiences from the Dekalb County Board of Health.” Community Mental Health Journal, Vol. 41, No. 6, December 2005, pp. 647-663.

Popkin, Michael H., B, Gard & M. Montgomery, 1,2,3,4 Parents, Active Parenting Publishers, 1996. Program to train parents of young children includes workbook, teacher’s guide, video and overhead transparencies.

Gard, Betsy A., “Diagnosing and Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children & Adolescents,” Insight, Vol. 16, No. 2, Fall 1995, pp. 20-23.

Gard, Betsy A., “Disaster Response Team; the Summer of Our Deluge,” Georgia Psychologist, Vol. 48, No. 2, Fall 1994, pp. 20-21.

Dorr, Darwin, W. Barley, B. Gard, B.C. Welch, “Understanding and Treating Borderline Personality Organization,” Psychotherapy Theory, Research & Practice, Fall 1984.

Gard, B. & R. Kurtz, “Hypnotic Age Regression and Cognitive Perceptual Tasks,” American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, Vol. 21, No. 4, April 1979, pp. 270-277.

An Investigation of Different Treatment Components and Different Treatment Lengths in the Modification of Nonassertion, Dissertation Thesis, Washington University, 1978.

Meisbove, G. & B. Gard, “The Development of a Training Program to teach behavior principles to Development Day Care Center Staffs,” North Carolina Journal of Mental Health, Vol. VIII, No. 9, Winter, 1978, pp. 51-53.

Newmark, C., C. Aponte, B. Gard, J. Konanc, “Changes in psychiatric admission MMPI profiles over a period of 15 to 20 years,” Journal of Clinical Psychology, July 1977, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 741-743.